Friday, October 27, 2006 calendars for 2007


We are pleased to let you know that your artwork has been accepted into one or more calendars for 2007. Here is a list of the dates/calendars your artwork will be featured in:

6/23/2007 - Misc. Artwork
3/20/2007 - Sci-Fi / Fantasy
6/26/2007 - Animals / Wildlife

We invite you to pre-order a copy of the calendar(s) you will be featured in, if you have not already done so. Every year we sell out of the calendars, so don't be caught without one. Pre-Order by Nov 15th, to be guaranteed a calender. After that date, we are unable to promise that you will receive a calendar, even if you are featured in it. 

The 2007 Calendars Feature:

* Improved Binding
* Improved Stand
* Higher Quality Printing
* Artwork Title/Description
* Five Different Calendar Themes

To PRE-ORDER your calendar(s), go to:

We expect to start shipping out the calendars in mid-November.

Congratulations again on being accepted! Staff

Congrats to everyone else that is in them! They are going to be so pretty! So much beautiful artwork :D

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