Friday, May 25, 2018

“Orange Blossoms” Pin! Megacon Today

Today is the “Orange Blossoms” Pin day! The details are all in Jasmine’s post below. Once the “Orange Blossoms” Pins are gone. I will continue to give out my “Orange Blossom Fairy Kitten” Pins! Jasmine’s Details are below.... It's the second day of MegaCon featuring  @strangeling Jasmine Becket-Griffith in Orlando, Florida! The first fifty customers to my booth (# 1048, right under the "Aisle 1000" sign) and the first fifty customers to Carrie Hawks, Tigerpixie Fantasy Cat Art booth (# 8FA) will get a free "Orange Blossoms" MegaCon Exclusive Enamel Pin! Every day we'll be doing a pin giveaway starting as soon as the show opens, first come - first served =) My giant 30 foot art booth is full of art & merchandise, open all four days all day, and I will be there in person autographing from 1pm-4pm today. 

I come every day to autograph anything you either buy at the show OR bring from home =) Tomorrow we'll be giving away 100 "Earth Angel" pins, and Sunday are the remaining 50 "Venus" pins. We also have other freebies like Strangeling shopping bags, bamboo fans & other convention swag ;) Details about MegaCon are on my Events page here - - See you today!! XO Jasmine

#jasminebecketgriffith #strangeling #megacon #megaconvention #megacon2018 #megaconvention2018 #catartist #carriehawks #tigerpixie #tigerpixieart #enamelpin #enamelpins #softenamelpin #lapelpin #pins #pin #pinsofinstagram #pinsofig #pingamestrong #pingame #pinsanity #pinstagram #megaconexclusive #catenamelpin #catpin #catpins #exclusivepin #orangeblossoms #florida @officialmegacon

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