I finished "Air Elemental Cat" today. This is still just a crappy digital camera pix. I'm going to wait till I'm done with all of them and scan it all at once.....

Started on "Fire Elemental Cat". This is just the base colors....

Hopefully things are calming down around here and I feel like I;m getting back on track :) I have painted for 2 days in a row! Yay! I haven't done that in forever!!
I absolutely adore your white "Air" cat painting. The love the way acrylic art looks. I'm working on my very first acrylic painting. It's fun :)
Your two elements are so beautiful..I don't really know which is my favorite..They are to fantastic to chose between....
Thank you so much you guys! :D
I Love my Acrylic paints! I'm glad you are enjoying them too.
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