The Seasonal Faeries book that I have talked so much about is ready to be Pre Ordered! I will probably only be making ONE order of this book. So if you would like a copy signed by me please pre order it now to be sure that you get one. The Holidays are coming up! This would make a perfect present for yourself or another fantasy fairy fan in your life!
Pre-Order Tuesday, October 17th - Thursday, October 19th ONLY!"Faeries Through The Seasons"A stunning collection of art & poetry from over thirty well-known & emerging artists. This beautiful, 60 page, full color, soft cover book is a unique a look at the magical fairies of Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall. The official release date of the book is in November.
All pre-orders receive one postcard of each of my paintings featured in the book, "Spring Showers", "Autumn Winds", "Summer Sunshine" & "Winter Snowflake"! The book can be personalized and signed by me as requested.
Book Price is $25.99. Shipping is $4.00. For a Total of $29.99 For 2+ books, shipping will be a little more.
For large orders, international orders or questions, please E-Mail Me for details before pre-ordering.
Pre-Order Tuesday, October 17th - Thursday, October 19th ONLY!Click Here!! for the Pre Order Page!! with cover photo,"Buy This" button & More Info!
*To pre order by Check or Money Order Please E-Mail MeThe artists featured in the book are myself, Carrie Hawks and Sara Butcher, Hilary Carlson, Christina Davis, Holly Durr, Darla Ecklund, Sonya Fedotowsky, Wendy Fowler, Maggie Hawthorne, Cathy Holford, Carmen Keys, Katerina Koukiotis, Amanda Lee, Dianna Lyons, Beth Millar, Nate Miller, Ellen Million, Dawn Obrecht, Deana Rackley, Helena Reis, Maida Reyes, Annie Rodrigue, Kathy Siney, Kelly Smith, Terrell Smith-Dorfeo, Jen Suttorp, Stacey Tippin, Michelle Tucker, Heather Van Winkle and Caron Vinson.

Let me know if you have any questions before you order! :)