My booth set up for MegaCon, March 12-14, 2010 Orlando, Florida

MegaCon, March 12-14, 2010 Orlando, Florida
Tammy Pryce, Deanna Davoli, Jasmine Becket-Griffith, Me; Carrie Hawks & Carri Travis

Me; Carrie Hawks & Ash Evans

Me; Carrie Hawks, Tammy Pryce & Deanna Davoli

Me; Carrie Hawks, Celine Chapus & Deanna Davoli

Me; Carrie Hawks, my hubby Dewey & Larry Elmore
Lots more pixs here...Tigerpixie's MegaCon 2010 Pixs on Facebook
After the show Dewey & I took monday to go to Universal Studios for the day :) I'll post some pixs from there in the next day or so. The Harry Potter section is looking really close to being finished and it looks Amazing!! :D