I'm brokenhearted to tell you yesterday we helped Buddy pass over the rainbow bridge. He had a wonderful long happy life with us and was already well over 16 years old which amazed the vets for a dog of his size. Although he had been slowing down a lot this year and starting getting wobbly back legs and some other elderly dog issues he still acted like a puppy most of the time. But this passed week he started getting a lot worse and was having seizures and breathing problems and a very difficult time getting around. His bloodwork revealed that it very possible he had some kind of cancer. Buddy spent his last days being loved by all of us like always but also eating hamburgers & other "people foods" we knew he usually liked getting small pieces of & knowing how much we all love him. Buddy was our first and only family dog. We adopted him at Petland as an ASPCA Adoption, as an 8 week old puppy in February of 2000 for Ian when he was just 5 years old. We let Ian choose his name and he chose Buddy after the Air Bud movie series that was popular at that time. Even though he was always outnumbered by cats he was vey tolerant of them and would sleep near them & even let Trixie rub on his legs. Buddy joins Leo, Pookie Bear, Tabby, George & Zoe at the rainbow bridge. We will see you all again someday Buddy. Until then we Love you so much & miss you already. Our home will never be the same without you here. ❤️ Our Buddy ❤️ December 20, 1999 - October 31, 2016