Big Eye Art: Resurrected and Transformed By Blonde Blythe ( Toni Boozer ) with forward written by Jasmine Becket-Griffith. To be distributed worldwide by Merrell Publishers, April 2008! This wonderful book will feature ten of my paintings and a page written by me about how the big eyed art masters of the past influence and inspire my artwork today.
In the late 1950's, and throughout the 1960's and into the 70's, such artists as Margaret keane, Gig and Maio created a new kind of mass-produced art known as "big-eye." Now big-eye art has undergone a major revival, but with a twist: the wide-eyed endearing waifs of the earlier movement have transformed into fairies, mermaids, demons and myriad otherworldly beings, including the famous "Blythe doll." This extraordinary book showcases the dazzling works of 22 of today's most significant big-eye artists, offering an insight into a fantastical, sometimes bizarre, metaphysical world.