Here is the rough sketch of her if you missed it earlier. I know it's kind of hard to see her in the wip pix since i painted all over parts of it while painting the background ...
SteamPunk Cat Rough Sketch
Off to paint! I will post another WIP once I get the background all done.
P.s. Facebook, Earlier I only posted the link to my Art Page there. Here is my Personal Profile page too, add me & I'll add ya back ;)
i love the background idea you have. The valley and the flying machines will tie it together nicely, like something out of Jules Vern, which is as steam punk as you can get.
:D Thanks Starr!! Exactly ;D I just recently turned the comments on here, do you get emailed when I reply to you?
This is interesting. I think it's the first time I've seen you draw a more anthropomorphized cat.
Hey Mere!! Ya, she is a bit different. Well Merlin & Captain Leo were dressed too BUT it was only their top 1/2 in the paintings.
i dont get emailed, but I dont think I have that option turned on o.0;;
I guess it's the legs that stand out more than the clothing. Most of your other cats have cat legs :) Can't wait to see it done!
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