They are getting used to the bathroom & us too. The little white kitty purrs now when I pet her and the little brown one isn't even hissing very much anymore.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Zoe went to the vet again yesterday...
I noticed that Zoe was breathing kind of heavier Wednesday night, like almost twice as fast as Tabby. Noting else was wrong with her though, she was still eating drinking, up and around etc. So I took her to the vet first think Thursday morning. They kept her for observation and to check her out. Of course I'm worried that it's something with her heart like Leo had. They did an x-ray and that all looked good, no enlarging from the outside of the heart, lungs looked fine, no fluid or anything. Her chest sounds fine and so does her heart. So why the weird breathing? The vet thought she could of caught a respiratory infection from the kittens. I have them in the bathroom thinking that was fine but she says the respiratory infection could travel in the air. She also checked her urine again and she does have another UTI. So right now she is back on antibiotics for the UTI & possible respiratory infection. If that doesn't help with her breathing she said it may be her heart :( There is another form of heart disease where the heart walls thicken from the inside. This would not be visible on an x-ray. It would require an expensive ultrasound from a specialist to detect and then she says the treatments won't fix her. She said she wasn't trying to scare me but just being truthful and even went so far as to say that Zoe could just drop dead from this if that's what she has :( How scary is that! Even the emergency vet that took care of Leo before he died said that cats with heart conditions even when caught early don't do well. I honestly don't know what to do with her if she doesn't have the respiratory infection and it could be this other heart problem. Would or could the vet treat her for that without the ultrasound that's so expensive? I don't know. I'm hoping that she gets better over the weekend once the antibiotics kick in. If not I'll be talking to the vet again Monday to see what our options are :(
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
We've got Baby Kittens!! :)
Here are the two kittens we got from the dumpster at my dad's work. One of the wild cats there had 5 kittens. They have about 6 cats living in the woods where my dad works. He's looking into trapping them and getting them spayed/neutered and then releasing them.

They are both girls. The little girl on the left is a little smaller than her sister. She has beautiful markings. So far Angel has taken to her the most. To me the little girl on the right, kind of looks like a little girl version on Leo :) She's a feisty little thing.
We haven't named them yet. I'm trying to find some names that would be for a pair that like go together. Like Lucy & Ethel (can't use that cuz i had gerbils named after I Love Lucy years ago) or Peeka & Boo. Ian said Pearl & Sandy (from Spongebob LOL!) You get the idea ;) I'm open to suggestions! I'm sure the perfect names will click when I hear/see them ;D
More Kitten Pixs on Facebook
They are still a little wild and will hiss when you first go to pick them up. I know they'll settle down after a few days. Tabby & Leo were the same way when we first rescued them too.
They look a little rough now but give them a few weeks and they'll be all healthy! They both are getting treatments for their eyes, worms & fleas. The vet thought they looked pretty good overall. I am keeping them separated from Tabby, Zoe & Buddy for a while and will introduce them very slowly. They still have more vet trips and tests they need to have. So the hall bathroom is theirs for now ;)
I also got meds for the other 3 kittens still at my dad's work. (2 of those are still looking for homes too! There is a beautiful black kitten and the "twin" of the little tabby one we got. Let me know if you'd like one!) Here's some pixs of the other kittens, Here and Here
I am keeping them separated from Tabby, Zoe & Buddy for a while and will introduce them very slowly. They still have more vet trips and tests they need to have. So ther hall bathroom is theirs for now ;)

They are both girls. The little girl on the left is a little smaller than her sister. She has beautiful markings. So far Angel has taken to her the most. To me the little girl on the right, kind of looks like a little girl version on Leo :) She's a feisty little thing.
We haven't named them yet. I'm trying to find some names that would be for a pair that like go together. Like Lucy & Ethel (can't use that cuz i had gerbils named after I Love Lucy years ago) or Peeka & Boo. Ian said Pearl & Sandy (from Spongebob LOL!) You get the idea ;) I'm open to suggestions! I'm sure the perfect names will click when I hear/see them ;D
More Kitten Pixs on Facebook
They are still a little wild and will hiss when you first go to pick them up. I know they'll settle down after a few days. Tabby & Leo were the same way when we first rescued them too.
They look a little rough now but give them a few weeks and they'll be all healthy! They both are getting treatments for their eyes, worms & fleas. The vet thought they looked pretty good overall. I am keeping them separated from Tabby, Zoe & Buddy for a while and will introduce them very slowly. They still have more vet trips and tests they need to have. So the hall bathroom is theirs for now ;)
I also got meds for the other 3 kittens still at my dad's work. (2 of those are still looking for homes too! There is a beautiful black kitten and the "twin" of the little tabby one we got. Let me know if you'd like one!) Here's some pixs of the other kittens, Here and Here
I am keeping them separated from Tabby, Zoe & Buddy for a while and will introduce them very slowly. They still have more vet trips and tests they need to have. So ther hall bathroom is theirs for now ;)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Back from the Vet with a Kitty Update...
Tabby's blood work for the thyroid came back high again (Hyperthyroidism). This was after 1 week of being off her meds since her last blood work showed her thyroid went the other direction and was extremely low (Hypothyroidism). So 1 pill twice a day or 1/2 a pill twice a day makes her sick and is too much meds for her, Now we are trying 1/2 a pill once a day and hopefully that will be good for her. Other than that she doing very good, eating well and gaining back the weight she lost.
Zoe's blood work showed nothing out of the ordinary. They checked everything, blood sugar, thyroid, kidney function, liver, electrolytes, blood cell count, everything. The only thing she did find was her liver was a little tiny bit high but for her age that could just be normal. Zoe has started eating and drinking some on her own but not enough. I have been feeding her what she still needs to eat. She is feeling better and fighting me on the feeding, locking her jaws and growling at me. Where before she just didn't care because she was too sick to fight back. So that's a good thing, she's getting better BUT a Bad thing since I'm having a very hard time getting the rest of the food she needs to eat each day in her. Today at the vet they gave her more fluids, another short term steroid shot and some pills that should get her appetite back up. Hopefully she'll start eating and drinking on her own like she used to. *fingers crossed*
Zoe's blood work showed nothing out of the ordinary. They checked everything, blood sugar, thyroid, kidney function, liver, electrolytes, blood cell count, everything. The only thing she did find was her liver was a little tiny bit high but for her age that could just be normal. Zoe has started eating and drinking some on her own but not enough. I have been feeding her what she still needs to eat. She is feeling better and fighting me on the feeding, locking her jaws and growling at me. Where before she just didn't care because she was too sick to fight back. So that's a good thing, she's getting better BUT a Bad thing since I'm having a very hard time getting the rest of the food she needs to eat each day in her. Today at the vet they gave her more fluids, another short term steroid shot and some pills that should get her appetite back up. Hopefully she'll start eating and drinking on her own like she used to. *fingers crossed*
Enter to win my Steampunk Cats art prints!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
May Sale! 20% Off Everything at
Big May Sale! 20% OFF EVERYTHING* on my Website!
At Check Out use the Voucher Code = MAYSALE & click Recalculate when you checkout to receive the 20% off discount
Have you been watching one of my Original Paintings? If you buy it now you could save Hundreds of Dollars! Have you always wanted one of my Limited Edition Canvas Prints? Now they are starting at $79 for the 11x14 size and $60 for the 8x10 size! Open Edition prints are starting at just $9.35! Keychains, Magnets, Cameo Necklaces, Coloring pages, Figurines, etc, are all at Great prices too!
Remember you must add the Voucher Codee = MAYSALE , in the Voucher section of the Checkout Cart & click Recalculate to receive the 20% discount.
*Exclusions, This sale does not apply to Custom Commission Paintings, Wholesale Orders or on any of my other shops, eBay, Etsy, Artfire, Zazzle etc.
This offer is running from Now - May 31st Only.
More details are on the Monthly Special page on my website
New Mailing List! I have converted my mailing list to the Yahoo Group system. I am still in full control of my mailing list and this is a very nice secure set up! My Yahoo Group Name is - Tigerpixie_Cat_Art. This is a Newsletter ONLY Group, (Only I will be posting and/or sending out messages when I have art updates to share.) Your email address is NOT shown in the group at all to protect your privacy. Also through the Yahoo Group page and each email update you receive you can add, change or remove your email address anytime you wish.
Here's the link to my new Yahoo Group page if you would like to join my new mailing list -
I hope that you enjoy this May Sale and I hope to see you on my new mailing list if you aren't already there! ;) Thank you so much for your support!
At Check Out use the Voucher Code = MAYSALE & click Recalculate when you checkout to receive the 20% off discount
Have you been watching one of my Original Paintings? If you buy it now you could save Hundreds of Dollars! Have you always wanted one of my Limited Edition Canvas Prints? Now they are starting at $79 for the 11x14 size and $60 for the 8x10 size! Open Edition prints are starting at just $9.35! Keychains, Magnets, Cameo Necklaces, Coloring pages, Figurines, etc, are all at Great prices too!
Remember you must add the Voucher Codee = MAYSALE , in the Voucher section of the Checkout Cart & click Recalculate to receive the 20% discount.
*Exclusions, This sale does not apply to Custom Commission Paintings, Wholesale Orders or on any of my other shops, eBay, Etsy, Artfire, Zazzle etc.
This offer is running from Now - May 31st Only.
More details are on the Monthly Special page on my website
New Mailing List! I have converted my mailing list to the Yahoo Group system. I am still in full control of my mailing list and this is a very nice secure set up! My Yahoo Group Name is - Tigerpixie_Cat_Art. This is a Newsletter ONLY Group, (Only I will be posting and/or sending out messages when I have art updates to share.) Your email address is NOT shown in the group at all to protect your privacy. Also through the Yahoo Group page and each email update you receive you can add, change or remove your email address anytime you wish.
Here's the link to my new Yahoo Group page if you would like to join my new mailing list -
I hope that you enjoy this May Sale and I hope to see you on my new mailing list if you aren't already there! ;) Thank you so much for your support!
Kitty Update, Now Zoe's sick...
With all that was going on with Tabby I didn't notice that Zoe had slowly quit eating her dried food. So I realize this last week and at first I wasn't worried since she had been eating a lot more of the wet food I was giving to them. Last Thursday I see she is not eating the wet food either any more, only licking the juice and sauce and not drinking much water either. So Friday I took Zoe to the vet. Now things have flipped and Zoe is sick. Remember me posting about weaned her off of the steroids she was on to keep her from getting bladder infections back in Feb through March because they weren't good for her? Friday we find out she has a monster bladder infection. The vet started her on antibiotics & gave her fluids. She had none of the normal symptoms of a bladder infection so I had no idea this time. The vet expected Zoe to be feeling better within 24 hours. That didn't happen, things got worse over the weekend, she quit eating & drinking completely. All she wanted to do was curl up and sleep. Well cats can't go without eating! So I have been force feeding her. I have to get 1 can of food (5.5 oz) and a bunch of water in her every 24 hours, it works out to 1/4 a can 4 times a day. It really sucks but she's my baby & if I don't her liver would shut down and she'd die. Monday I had scheduled an afternoon vet appointment for Tabby for her Thyroid blood work. I just went ahead and took Tabby & Zoe super early as soon as the vet's office opened. Tabby got her blood taken and that was all for her, she's gained a little weight back and is doing much better right now. For Zoe, the vet gave her more fluids, a small steroid shot to see if that will get her to start eating again and took blood to see if something else is wrong with her. I also got some NutriCal paste (nutritional supplement) to mix in the food I'm feeding her. Right now I just have to give her the antibiotics, keep her fed and get water in her. She seems a little better today. She ate some treats on her own and also has licked the sauce off of her wet food this morning too. That's still not enough food for her so I'm still feeding her too. *sigh* I know they are getting old but they aren't that old yet, Zoe is 12 and Tabby 14. I just want them both the stay healthy and feel good. I should get back Zoe's blood work today and Tabby's tomorrow....
Thursday, May 06, 2010
"Steampunk Cat Guy" Work in progress pixs ....

"Steampunk Cat Guy" Sketch

"Steampunk Cat Guy" WIP #1 (basic background)

"Steampunk Cat Guy" (background with airships)

"Steampunk Cat Guy" (painted his face & paws, also blocked in most of the base colors of his clothing)
I think he's coming along nicely :) I'll be painting more today!
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