They are both girls. The little girl on the left is a little smaller than her sister. She has beautiful markings. So far Angel has taken to her the most. To me the little girl on the right, kind of looks like a little girl version on Leo :) She's a feisty little thing.
We haven't named them yet. I'm trying to find some names that would be for a pair that like go together. Like Lucy & Ethel (can't use that cuz i had gerbils named after I Love Lucy years ago) or Peeka & Boo. Ian said Pearl & Sandy (from Spongebob LOL!) You get the idea ;) I'm open to suggestions! I'm sure the perfect names will click when I hear/see them ;D
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They are still a little wild and will hiss when you first go to pick them up. I know they'll settle down after a few days. Tabby & Leo were the same way when we first rescued them too.
They look a little rough now but give them a few weeks and they'll be all healthy! They both are getting treatments for their eyes, worms & fleas. The vet thought they looked pretty good overall. I am keeping them separated from Tabby, Zoe & Buddy for a while and will introduce them very slowly. They still have more vet trips and tests they need to have. So the hall bathroom is theirs for now ;)
I also got meds for the other 3 kittens still at my dad's work. (2 of those are still looking for homes too! There is a beautiful black kitten and the "twin" of the little tabby one we got. Let me know if you'd like one!) Here's some pixs of the other kittens, Here and Here
I am keeping them separated from Tabby, Zoe & Buddy for a while and will introduce them very slowly. They still have more vet trips and tests they need to have. So ther hall bathroom is theirs for now ;)
Pearl & Sandy! Pearl & Sandy! XD
Such good things will come to you and your family for rescuing these babies! I'm so happy for them.
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